
Almost everything on earth is birthed through pain….if not everything. For a baby to be born,the woman has to go through the pain of childbirth. For the baby to be responsive it has to be smacked so it cries, pain. To be a successful person in life and reach your goals you have to work hard and let some things go, pain. Seeing someone you like,like someone else, pain. To get weaves or braids installed, pain 😁. Girls and women even have to go through the nasty monthly menstrual cramps which by the way if you ask me is a kind of pain on a whole new level.

Anyway the point is, doesn’t this make you wonder what exactly on this earth is not associated with pain.

Letting go

Letting go is hard. Letting go of something you want is hard. Letting go of something you need is harder. Letting go of something you love is the hardest. It’s like your heart is being ripped out of your chest when you have to give up something or someone you love.

Sometimes,even though it’s hard..the absolute hardest to let go,letting go is the best. Letting go of something that keeps hurting you is the best. Letting go of something that keeps making you sad is the best. Letting go of something that doesn’t make you feel your worth is the best.

Letting go helps you free your mind, takes the weight off your shoulders and helps you focus to be who you are really meant to be. In the long run, you’ll look back and know that letting go was a damn good decision you made and that even though you loved that thing or that person,your love was really meant for someone or something else.😘

Mistakes should not define a person

When someone’s made a mistake, you don’t point fingers at the person and make the person feel like the greatest sinner in the Instead you show that person God’s love and how even when we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

A lot of believers these days are not ready to teach God’s love to others, instead all they want to do is gossip about the person or make the person feel sad, dirty and depressed and that shouldn’t be so. Someone did something wrong,extend your arm of love to that person, don’t push that person away,don’t write off anybody because if God were to start judging us all we probably will end up in hell cos a sin is a sin.

In God’s eyes a lie is as great as fornication,stealing is as great as murder, but even with all this He still loves us and He is ready to bring us into his loving arms. So the same way God loves us and hates our sins, we as believers should do the same. We should love people around us and hate their sins, we should pray for them. Enough is enough of judging people, enough is enough of making them feel they cannot be forgiven. Just love that person the same way God loves you, don’t write anybody off and don’t abandon anybody. Also, don’t tell every tom,dick and harry what the person is going through. We are all pastors and councillors, we can pray and advice a person without telling anybody about it.

So before you judge that person ,put yourself in that person’s shoe and think “if I were the one,will I want them to act this way towards me”

Everybody makes mistakes, no one is perfect.